Is It Worth Using Kitchen Cabinets in My Small Kitchen?

by Dave Smith

Kitchen cabinets are pretty much in trend nowadays when we talk about kitchen renovation. It does not matter if you have a large or even a small kitchen, the cabinets go well with all types of layouts. Today, we will discuss some of the major points that state the worth of using cabinets in your small kitchen. 

Kitchen home improvement is something that is indeed time-taking and needs a lot of energy too. But, you will be able to realize how worthy it is to make the kitchen look appealing when you consider doing it. They help create a style statement for your kitchen.

The workload seems a little less complicated when you talk about the kitchen redesign task. It is simply less time-taking than remodeling the entire kitchen. The small kitchen renovation cost is not something that you should worry about. In fact, the benefits that you get with cabinets in your small kitchen are more than what you have spent on them.

Moving on, we have discussed some factors that will let you understand how going with kitchen cabinets can make your small kitchen remodeling worthy. We will be discussing their benefits, some popular ideas, and mistakes that you must avoid while designing your cabinets. So, let’s get started!

How will kitchen cabinets be helpful for small kitchens?

Remodeling becomes easy

 small kitchens Designs

As you are aware that kitchen cabinets cover way too much space in kitchen remodeling. Especially in small kitchen remodeling, the space is already limited. So, does this mean that it is a disadvantage? Well, if you look at this matter as a disadvantage, then that’s a mistake.

Small kitchen renovation can actually turn out easy and helpful with the cabinets involved. This is because when you have cabinets covering quite a lot of space, you are no longer required to look for the perfect elements. Thus, this will simply reduce your small kitchen renovation cost.

This way, you will only spend on what is necessary, but your small kitchen renovation cost will come under your budget. In short, it is a pocket-friendly approach that everyone should try, and the accessible remodeling will not require too many items that can complicate your kitchen renovation.

Introduces spacious storage areas

kitchen Design

Small kitchens are already packed and do not normally have any space left to add things. The more things you will add to your small kitchen, the more cluttered it will look. So, what should you do? Well, in that case, counting on storage cabinets is something that you should really look for.

Storage areas introduce a sorted space in the kitchen. Kitchens with settled cabinets are easy to determine what thing goes where and how you are supposed to manage your stuff. The cabinets allow you to keep everything organized. You can use these storage areas to keep necessary items separately, such as spices, groceries, utensils, cooking pots, cutleries, and other utility items.

Cabinets help in making the kitchen functional

RTA cabinets

Functionality is something that we all look for when working in a cluttered yet messy kitchen. For kitchen renovation for small kitchens, cabinets come in pretty handy. Also, they are quite functional. The soft glides do not let you struggle to open or shut the cabinet doors and drawers.

Not just that, when you are certain about which item is kept where you don’t seem to disturb the organized pattern. For example, if you are looking for spices, you will simply open the spice drawer instead of looking for them in the wrong cabinet. Thus, you will find what you need at once without disturbing the order. This way, kitchen cabinets help in making the kitchen functional and accessible.

It comes under budget

cabinet Ideas

If you think that kitchen remodeling can cost you much, then let me clear that doubt for you. As appealing as the cabinets sound, they are not going to burn a hole in your pocket. In simple words, they are not super expensive. The market does not have only costly cabinets. You can find some economical options as well.

Moreover, the small kitchen renovation cost with modular kitchen cabinets can cost you somewhere similar to a medium-sized kitchen renovation. So you no longer need to worry about sacrificing your budget for your small kitchen renovation.

Popular ideas you can try to design your small kitchen

Go for complementing lighting

Kitchen Ligting

Kitchen remodeling is a complete combination of several elements. Cabinets, fixtures, and lighting, everything plays an important role in making the kitchen look over the top. So, it is a must that you look for complementary lighting for your small kitchen remodeling. However, make sure that you are not using hanging decorative lights, otherwise, the kitchen will look even smaller.

Do not experiment with colors

lighter shades in kitchen

Unfortunately, the less space disadvantage does not let you experiment much with anything. However, this is for the best because the lesser you will have to explore, the more conveniently you will use it. So, you should not try experimenting with colors in your small kitchen renovation. As a matter of fact, bold colors can dominate the kitchen’s ambiance and can be just too much. So, you must settle with lighter shades.

Opt for natural textures

Modular kitchen cabinets

If you agree with the fact that natural is always better, then you must try using kitchen cabinets with natural textures. Wood textures are the most commonly preferred design options in kitchen cabinets. They have a warm effect and a natural look that enhances the coziness of your kitchen.

Minimal is the best

Minimal is the best

Since you have a small kitchen, of course, you are already struggling with space. This is the time when you realize that adding too many elements will do nothing but make the kitchen look congested. So, you need to go with the minimalist approach. Avoid as many fixtures as possible. Try to keep appliances in a separate spot. Also, try not to use decorative elements such as paintings, indoor plants, kitchen furniture, etcetera. This way, the kitchen will look spacious.

Common kitchen cabinet design mistakes you should avoid!

Things you specifically need to avoid with your kitchen cabinet design are as follows:

Never ignore small elements

It often happens that we neglect the tiny elements and focus more on the big picture. But, a big picture can only look appealing and worth remembering when it contains some necessary small elements. In the kitchen home improvement scenario, small elements such as cabinet crown molding, cabinet handle, under cabinet lighting, etcetera are way more necessary than you think. They are required to give detail and finishing touch to your kitchen cabinets. Basically, these tiny elements highlight the bland-looking kitchen, which tends to look more appealing.

Leave extra space for the cooking and washing area

It does not matter if you have a large or a small kitchen area, you must ensure that you are restricting quite some more space for 2 major things. The kitchen sink and cooking countertop must cover a little more space above the cabinets. This way, you will be able to work freely in areas that require flexibility.

You should ensign your kitchen cabinets according to the space division. No wall cabinet should cover the space above the cooking station otherwise, you might end up with some serious issues.

Apart from that, no cabinet should be used under the kitchen sink. There are too many chances of water-related damages destroying the cabinet material. So, leaving that space is better to make the kitchen more functional and flexible. Although, you can cover or hide the plumbing and sewage lines with a faux cabinet door.

Design the kitchen for living purposes

kitchen Cabinets

Designing the kitchen is everyone’s dream, as the place consists of so many heartfelt memories. No one wants a kitchen that does not look like their dream kitchen. So, you should keep this point in mind when fixing cabinets.

Cabinets are quite an expensive investment that stays for a long time. So, if you are willing to live in your home for as long as possible, you must design it accordingly. But, if selling the home any sooner is your target, then the priorities will definitely change.

For example, you have to be specific with the type and color of kitchen cabinets. Opting for solid colors and non-experimenting elements will be the right thing to do in that case.

Never choose white color for the entire kitchen

blue color kitchen cabinets

A kitchen redesign process is not just limited to cabinets. You are supposed to focus on other fixtures as well. White is, for sure, a classic color option that leaves you with fewer chances for experiments and failures. But, you must not look for every single element in white only. This way, the color will overpower the ambiance, even if it lies on the neutral line.

Try complimenting your white kitchen cabinets with other colors. A matte black kitchen faucet, kitchen sink, and cabinet handles will make the kitchen and cabinets look less bland and more appealing.

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